I am a first year graduate student at Kyoto University majoring in Computer Science.
I want to make deep learning models and systems more tractable.
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Date | Organization | Position | Description |
2024/12 ~ present | Sakana AI | Student Intern | 🐟🐠🐡 |
2024/4 ~ present | Research and Development Center for Large Language Models, National Institute of Informatics | Research Assistant | I am involved in research on the development and evaluation of multimodal models. |
2024/2 ~ 2024/4 | LLM-jp, National Institute of Informatics | Student Intern | I was engaged in research on memorization in LLMs. |
2023/9 | Nikkei Inc. | Software Engineer Intern, Hack The Nikkei Internship in Kyoto | We have developed a web application to improve the quality of comments on articles by using NLP techniques to find the relevance of comments to articles and by creating a function to support quotations. |
2022/9 | Rakuten Group, Inc. | Software Engineer internship | We developed a LINE chat bot called Pal-puppy in hackathon style for 5 days. During the internship, our team proposed ideas, defined the app’s specifications, developed and presented our product. we were 2nd place in the Qualifying Block. Repository: pal-puppy |
2022/8 ~ 2022/9 | Cybozu Inc. | Kubernetes infrastructure engineer internship | We developed a custom controller (AutoVirtualDC) to manage and schedule virtual data center environments. For development, we used kubebuilder, a framework for building Kubernetes APIs with custom resource definitions. Repository: nyamber The experience story is here cybozu summer intern 2022 Kubernetes 基盤開発コース参加記 |
2022/8 | Amazon Web Services Inc. | AWS Summer workshop as cloud support engineer | I participated in the customer support engineer’s work during this workshop. |
2022/3 ~ 2024/4 | Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology at Osaka University | Software development as technical assistant | I’m developing numerical software for quantum computation and quantum chemistry |
大規模言語モデルの事前学習ツールjax-llmの開発とinput-methodへの応用. 第19回言語処理若手シンポジウム(YANS2024), 2024年9月. 杉浦一瑳.
[Draft Paper] | [Poster] | [Code (jax-llm)] | [Code (input-method)]
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Date | Event | Description |
2023/10 | init.g, a cybersecurity event hosted by Google in Shibuya. | Participant |
2023/10 | 第56回 情報科学若手の会 in 軽井沢 | 通常発表 「AIセキュリティはなぜセキュリティ分野か」 slide: Why AI Security is a field of Security? |
2023/9 | Security mini-camp in Yamanashi. | Tutor |
2023/3/11 | Security camp forum 2023 in Tokyo | Alumni LT(lightning talk) presentation Presentation slide: gomicollector ガベコレ自作で辿る自作の森 |
2022/11/19 ~ 2022/11/22 | 北海道スタディツアー2022 アイヌ民族の歴史と当事者研究から考える対話と共生のコミュニティづくり, 主催 大阪大学社会ソリューションイニシアティブ(SSI) etc. | blog post written by organizer. |
2022/7 | ISUCON12 qualify | porting from Golang to Rust at ISUCON12 qualify. |